Flagstaff Shelter Services

A prescription to treat homelessness in Northern Arizona

“All our eggs are in the housing basket,” states Ross Schaefer, executive director of Flagstaff Shelter Services (FSS). “That’s what we do – that’s our mission – to end homelessness in Coconino County. Our housing-first philosophy means giving someone in crisis an opportunity to find stability. And it works; more than 86% of those we have rehoused do not return to homelessness.”

With a Foundation grant, FSS assembled care teams to take a holistic approach to serving clients. Consisting of a housing case manager, a primary care provider, and a behavioral health provider, the teams coordinated housing for people experiencing homelessness. They also connected them to physical and behavioral healthcare to address those concerns. An individualized approach to serving clients delivered unique solutions. A female client experiencing hair loss was reluctant to be photographed for an identification card. Once her housing needs were met, her care team assisted her with being fitted for a wig. She then felt confident enough to get the ID, which allowed her to access the benefits she was eligible for. Solving these types of immediate needs translates into long-term success.

unhoused individuals served

of those rehoused do not return to homelessness

were able to self-resolve to permanent housing

“Housing is a great investment for any community, and we make a compelling case for supporting housing initiatives,” Ms. Schaefer stated. “Increasing housing correlates to a reduced need for emergency, police, and other costly crisis services. The Foundation’s investment through this grant has further legitimized our work and it has made us a stronger partner to the agencies we work with.”

We’ve been able to stand on the back of a giant and broadcast our message.

– ROSS SCHAEFER Executive Director Flagstaff Shelter Services

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