Arizona Mental Health Summit

Join us for State of Mind

The AZ Blue Foundation is proudly sponsoring State of Mind, an inaugural mental health summit. We are bringing together public health experts, local nonprofit leaders, policymakers, and community influencers for a vital conversation about mental health in Arizona – the crisis, the challenges, and the needed change. State of Mind will provide a platform for sharing insights and discussing critical topics so we can drive solutions and reduce the stigma surrounding one of Arizona’s biggest health concerns.

When: October 16, 2024, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: Sheraton Phoenix Downtown
Sign Up: June 24 through September 30

Why Attend?

Join us for panel discussions with experts and networking opportunities. Be part of the movement to improve mental health in our state.

  • Gain Insights from Leading Mental Health Experts
  • Discover Best Practices
  • Connect With a Network of Passionate Leaders
  • Make A Difference

Who Should Attend?

Let’s transform mental health together. If you are ready to break down the stigma around mental health, this event is for you. We invite everyone to attend, especially:

  • Public Health Practitioners
  • Nonprofit Leaders
  • Community Influencers
  • Policymakers

Courage in Action Awards

Nominate an individual or organization for advancing positive mental health in Arizona

Courage in action can be demonstrated by tireless commitment, advocacy, and meaningful impact made – in both formal and informal ways. Self-nominate or nominate an individual or group/organization for the Courage in Action Awards which will be presented at State of Mind: 2024 Mental Health Summit on October 16, 2024. Awardees will receive:

  • Commissioned art piece created by Resilient Health
  • $2,500 to direct to the nonprofit of their choice working within the Foundation’s health focus areas
  • Special guest invitation to State of Mind: 2024 Mental Health Summit

Nomination Details

All nominees must meet the following eligibility criteria
  • 13 years of age or older
  • Be making measurable and meaningful contributions related to behavioral health (e.g., mental health, substance use) in Arizona
  • Provide examples of activities and impact (can date back to 2020)
Group or Organization
  • Non-profit, for-profit, educational institution, or governmental agency
  • Be making measurable and meaningful contributions related to behavioral health (e.g., mental health, substance use) in Arizona
  • Provide examples of activities and impact accomplished (can date back to 2020)
August 15, 2024

Applications Accepted

4 p.m. MST on August 15, 2024

Application Deadline

October 16, 2024

Awards Presentation

Application Components

Be part of the movement to improve mental health in Arizona.

Register Now

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